DOJMEL – natural medicine

We all know that breast can reach various changes, ie. changes in cells, leading to fibrolipomatous, adenomatous, fibro microcystis breasts. Various growths, in the form of benign tumors that can always pass into heavier forms ie. forms of malignancy. For such occurrences, causes can be various, and often were of unknown origin. What is considered to be the cause of such phenomena usually are mutations in the gene that regulates all the processes, leading to loss of control of cell division.

Causes may be genetic factors, body weight, exposure to radiation, Nonparturition, lack of breastfeeding, alcoholism, inactivity, smoking, first menstruation obtained before 12th year, etc. Node in the breast is the first sign that something disrupted and that is not right. Second sign is that there is a discharge from the nipple, and that the nipple is dragged inside, crusting of the nipple, and the rough skin on the breast.

Whatever the cause, it is obvious that something went wrong, and it is necessary to approach seriously and meticulously and to find a solution to get things back to normal, and the body to start functioning in the natural way. Dojmel has found its place and can fix a lot. It can help to mitigate the anomalies and returns everything to its natural flow, ie. to normal.
Dojmel has a special feature which helps the healing properties from the cream to penetrate deep into the interior of the breast and thereby mitigate growths.
It is applied on the skin of the breast (lubrication is as lubricated face cream without coating, etc.), so to say, in a very simple way, lubricates and leaves before sleep all night. This cream is a miracle!

Feature of this balm is therapeutic qualities that penetrates through the skin in depth and remediate all anomalies. Growths are gradually reduced so it nothing left. Has a positive effect on both the benign and malignant growths.